Private Training vs. Group Sessions?

Which one is right for you and your dog?

Pop Bubbles

Pop Bubbles….yes he is on a table….

Private training

Most unwanted behaviors taking place in the home are better fit for private training (e.g., potty training, charging and/or barking at the front door, fence-fighting the neighbors’ dog, recall in the backyard). Any aggression requires private training and possibly additional cost. Severe leash reactivity will require some private training also. By severe leash reactivity, we mean excessive and incessant barking and lunging which would be disruptive to a group environment.


GROUP sessions

Our Group Sessions are free of charge and open to Sidekick clients. These are suited for folks who want to work with their dogs on loose leash walking, socialization and proper dog-to-dog greetings. Do we expect your dog to be extremely well-behaved at Group? Of course not! Severe leash reactivity may need a private session or two. But, if your dog is overly interested in other dogs, pulls on the leash, does not respond to their name, or generally pays no attention at all, Group Sessions can help!

Check out our Group Session schedule!

We do start everyone with a private training session (half price!) so we can develop the best training plan for you and your family.

We can’t overemphasize that our methods are not quick-fixes. We want you to seek a long-lasting, loving relationship with your dog.

Questions about our services or our Group Sessions schedule? Call or text us (980)255-3695